Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The How-To's on Getting More Website Traffic

Here are a few simple, but helpful tips on internet marketing, on how to get more traffic on your website so consumers will actually pay attention, read it, and hopefully buy whatever it is that you are selling.
  1. Be conversational in your text. Communicate with the viewers using words they know, instead of big, long blather that people won't understand. Write as though you were talking to that person to get a better connection with the reader.
  2. Use active verbs instead of passive verbs. For example, instead of saying, "The ball was thrown by Mark", say "Mark threw the ball". You say what you want with fewer words, and the connection with the reader will be stronger. They will be more engaged in the text.
  3. Readers typically do not care how authoritative you are, or how far you have gotten in your field of study. What they care about is how you can help them. So, harp on the benefits in your article, and how and why this should help the viewer.
  4. Make sure to establish a strong connection with your audiences' emotions. Readers will more likely pay attention to what you have to say when they feel you sympathize with them and understand them.
  5. Conciseness is key. Make sure you keep your copy short. Say what you want to say with as few words as possible. Long copy might scare off readers because they do not want to read too much; they are afraid of being overwhelmed with information. Cut long sentences in half, use bullet points and lists, use subheadings, etc.
  6. Be clear. Clarity is important. Don't force your audience to read through tons of irrelevant information before you finally get to your main point. Say what you want to say right off the bat. Otherwise, your readers will get lost and confused, and won't pay attention to you anymore.
  7. Keep things simple. The simpler your writing is, the more likely people will understand it. You don't have to make your article extremely simple, just make it so it's as painless and effortless as possible for the reader to understand your message. This way, you're being straightforward and comprehensible with your audience.
Using these easy internet marketing tips, directing traffic to your website by making your targeted audience more interested in your writing should pose no problems to you.

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